04 May, 2008

The Vang

Vang Vieng can best be described in one word: unreal. It is, to the best of my knowledge, the town of all towns in Lao (intentionally no 's') in that it is the biggest and has the most tourism. Located right along the Nam Song river lined with those limestone cliffs that I remember seeing on the discovery channel, the main activity is tubing down the chocolate river. Sure it sounds nice and relaxing and I guess it would be should I not have decided to stop off at the numerous bars along the way where buckets and beerlao never stop flowing and makeshift rope swings allow drunken farang to fly ... although despite my flapping while mid-air I still plummeted down into the river below.

Needless to say, insanity ensued 6 nights in a row. Four solid days of tubing shenanigans, motorbiking, a few sleepless nights and kayaking down to Vientiane has left my body bruised and broken and my mind struggling to retain the surreal imagery.

A shoutout to the crew:

I've said it before but I'll say it again, you guys are amazing. Jon, brother, sad to have you gone but we'll be enjoying carne asada in no time back in the states (rosco's even???)

Amy, Emma and mama Tina, good looking out and thanks for the well needed mojo boost ... stoked to be traveling with you guys. 'Shooter' and Lisa, I'm glad I rolled up on my sweet ride in Luang Prabang and that we were able to share the craziness of Vang Vieng together. And lastly, my Swedes, well ... you already know.

Much love to you all, much love.

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