18 February, 2008

Thailand ...

29th January - 7th February
My stories from Thailand are those that I dare not post on the web ... suffice to say, I had an amazing time. Bangkok was, well, Bangkok. It's funny despite all the talk of how crazy that place is, it's really not. Maybe it is just the case that, in a sense, I've been numbed to chaos as a result of my experiences in India. To me, Bangkok is first world. I mean, their roads have lanes and sometimes they even use them.

I had been longing for an overdue trip to the beach and Koh Samui was where the long standing memories of salt on my lips returned to me. My experience there was no match for Koh Phan-gnan though. The home of the legendary Full Moon Party and my time there can best be described as a blur. Chill people + chill beaches + increasingly large amounts of chang = an experience that I will never forget. A warm thank you to all of you who added to that chapter of my life.

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