23 June, 2008

My Escape

Current Sounds: Coldplay - The Escapist

I have been having a hard time readjusting to a life that I once found comfortable. It's weird how temporary familiarity is ... I was born and raised in the States and have enjoyed a relatively high standard of living for 22 years of my life and yet, all it took was 8 months to question everything. Where is my place? What roles are the friends I left behind supposed to play? Do I like it here? What am I doing? Sadly, these have been a few of the questions that have plagued my mind upon arrival and by letting it consume me, I almost lost something that I told myself I would fight for everyday; the backpacker mentality.

The backpacker mentality, although not only embraced by the backpacker community, is a philosophy on life and one that I try to live by. It's knowing that in everyday there is an adventure to be had, a story yet to be told and beauty to covet as it is in everything ... never hidden, revealing itself only when one chooses to see it. I saw it everywhere in my trip; in poverty, in health, in skies, in valleys, in oceans and above all, in the eyes, the smiles and the hearts of my fellow man. I had not seen beauty back home until a few days ago when finally something shook me and allowed my eyes and heart to truly see. The catalyst? Look no further than the "Current Sounds" that graces the top of this post.

Believe me, I know they're trendy but listen, not to me, but to that track. You know how in some movies when someone is about to die, they're life flashes before their eyes as a series of moments frozen in time? Well, that's what happened when that song graced my ears with its melody. It was my trip however, rather than the lot of my life, that flashed before my eyes. They were the moments that reminded me of how the best experiences in life only happen when we let ourselves live; when we shed the shackles and chains to predictable reality and seize the day. Suffice to say, it made my eyes water and I couldn't stop thinking how much that trip meant, no, means to me. It taught me to live.

I almost turned my back on it though. I have been in the most passive/ambivalent/indifferent mood. I kept thinking about how much better life was abroad and how being home is mundane, redundant and not interesting. That song however, reminded me that life is meant to be lived rather than bitched about. Complaining never did anyone any good. It only wastes time. Action on the other hand, lets us take advantage of every second we have.

Dave Matthews wrote "Good love fight for everyday" and hey, I plan to. Life is far too short to waste.

Lastly (more of a reminder for me and less of a statement for you), live long, smile wide, and when it feels as though the world is falling down around you, remember to breathe ... everything will be alright.


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